Services for Sunday 01 February 2025 - Candlemas
8.00am Morning Eucharest Service (said service)
*pew sheet attached
10.00am All Together Church
Please do come and join us to celebrate the end of the Christmas season, a service for the whole family with refreshments for all afterwards. We look forward to seeing you
Father of mercies, grant to Charles our King
comfort and sure confidence in you, and keep
him in perpetual peace and safety,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Term Time Mondays - 3.30pm - 4.45pm
Come along and join the fun of Whitton Whikidz!
It's free and open to all!
Sing and Drama Group for KS2 Children!
Our Evening Compline service is streamed every evening at 9pm on Facebook.
Everyone is welcome to join.
Watch on FacebookIf you haven’t been to church in a while, or you’re coming to church for the first time, it can be a bit a daunting for some and you may have a few questions you’d like answered.
Discover our churchJoin us for a New Service where we can ALL celebrate God’s Love together. A place to belong, believe, praise and experience God’s love. First Sunday of every month at 10am for 45 minutes.
Discover more about All Together ChurchHere is this season's Whitton Times - catch up will all the local Parish news for the Summer, meet our new Curate, Rev John
Whitton Times Latest Edition